Cyane and Alan are happy to have worked hard at the Marshfield Inn and Motel in Vermont. We had not yet started preparations for upcoming trip to Europe.
It took many weeks of preparations for a July to October trip to France, Switzerland & Italy.
Here is the concept itinerary for the Europe trip of 2010:
15 July: Depart JFK on Icelandair
16 - 20 July: Paris, staying at the apartment of Cyane's cousin. Alan: see movies.
21 July - 3 August: Volunteer at a historic preservation site in southern France
Organized by a French organization Rempart
www.rempart.com at Chateau d'Urfé
www.chateaudurfe.com Chateau d'Urfé is near Thiers; between Clermont-Ferrand and Lyons
It is right near the border of the Auvergne region and Rhône-Alpes
Map of site at
August: Bike east over Loire and Rhône rivers, past Lyons, Grenoble, Albertville
Go around Mt Blanc into the Rhône valley of Switzerland
Hike in Switzerland and visit friends`
September: Aim to do the circular loop hike around Mt Blanc, Tour de Mt Blanc
Bike down the Rhône valley to the Marseille region
October: film festival in northeastern Italy; Pordenone
Return to Paris and the United States