Tuesday, February 28, 2023

MNAC: Gothic Art: 1250-1500

Below is just a small sampling of Gothic Catalan art in the MNAC, religious altars, painted or carved wood.  Depictions of saints and martyrs and terrifying tortures.  Still unique local creativity, see the anonymous Barcelona altar from the late 1200's that looks like 19th century art nouveau.  Great increase in complexity and technique along with foreign influences, especially from Italy from the fourteenth century on.

Tablet of the martyrdom of santa Llucia, around 1300.

Master of Soriguerola, Tablet of santa Miquel, end of the 1200s.

Anonymous from Barcelona, Catalunya, end of the 1200s.

Anonymous Catalan from Lleida, Altarpieces of the Mother of God and saint Antoni, around 1378-1390.

Altar of saint Miquel, 1432-3

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