
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Evening Stroll in Bern


Heroic Bern


The seat of Swiss government is in Bern.

The Aare River

Kunstmuseum Bern

 A few Swiss artists from the Art Museum in Bern Switzerland.

The artwork there has labels showing history of each piece going back to the artist.  The museum probably is very careful with provenance, as it received the bequest of Cornelius Gurlitt on his death in 2014.  Lawsuits charging that the Gurlitt family had received artwork stolen by the Nazis got international attention.  His gift must have been a mixed blessing for the Kunstmuseum Bern.  

Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918), Die Nacht/The Night, 1889

Unknown Artist, The Sexton Attends the Mass for the Dead; 1505.  Diptych wood altar.

Johannes Itten (1888-1967), Komposition in Blau/Composition in Blue; 1918

Paul Klee, Ad Parnassum, 1932; Casein and oil paint on canvas

ZPK: Klee Landscapes

 The Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern holds about half of the 9,600 works he produced over a 40 year artistic career.  The Zentrum has archives, does research, hosts educational programs and mounts exhibitions.  The 2022 exhibit was called "A Shining Secret.  Kids Curate Klee."

Paul Klee, Landschaftliches Hieroglyph mit Betonung des Himmelblau/Landscape Hieroglyph with Emphasis on Sky-Blue; 1917; watercolor on primer on linen on cardboard

Paul Klee, Kleine Felsenstadt/Small Town among the Rocks; 1932; oil paint on canvas

Paul Klee, werdende Landschaft/Landscape Coming into Being; 1928; ink and watercolor on paper on cardboard

Paul Klee, Wasser-Route/Water Route; 1937; charcoal and paste on paper on cardboard

Paul Klee, Landschaft bei E. (in Bayern)/Landscape near E. (in Bavaria); 1921; oil paint and ink on paper on cardboard

ZPK Exhibit: Klee Considers Death


Paul Klee, Ohne Titel (Todesangel)/Untitled (Angel of Death); 1940; oil paint on canvas        Painted shortly before his death....

Paul Klee, Genien/Genies (Figures out of a ballet); 1922; ink, watercolor and pencil on paper on cardboard

Paul Klee, Friedhof/Cemetery; 1920; oil paint and ink on linen

Traces of painting done by Paul  Klee called "Girl Dies and Becomes."
It is suspected that Paul Klee drew this design after a young woman, close friend of the family, drowned in 1933.  She had given her cat Bimbo to the Klee family.  After doing these sketches Paul Klee painted over them and used the other side of the canvas.  "Girl Dies and Becomes" was only discovered in 1990 when the covering paint fell off.  This story is told in a recent exhibition at the Zentrum Paul Klee:  "A Shining Secret.  Kids Curate Klee."

Paul Klee; Sammlung Rosengart

 Sammlung Rosengart/Rosengart Collection Museum in Bern Switzerland

These five show:  a range of Klee subjects,  the intense creativity, the playfulness, experimentation with materials, and range of emotions, productivity.  And general mastery of  Paul Klee.  The last painting Hoping Once More was done a few months before he died (of the painful disease scleroderma).

Paul Klee, Riesenblattlaus/Giant aphid; 1920; lithograph

Paul Klee, Doppelzelt/Double tent; 1923; watercolor and pen on paper, cut and recombined, above left strips of  paper with watercolor added, marginal strips with watercolor and pen at the bottom, bordered with gouache and pen, on cardboard

Paul Klee, Felsen am Meer/Cliffs by the Sea; 1924; watercolor and ink on paper, paper strips attached below, on cardboard

Paul Klee, Predigt für Wüstentiere/Sermon for Desert Animals; 1929; crayon on paper with dabs of glue, on cardboard

Paul Klee, nochmals hoffend/Hoping once more; 1939; watercolor on wool on cardboard

Cityscapes; Paul Klee; Sammlung Rosengart


Paul Klee, Stadt-Kern I/Town centre I; 1935; watercolor and ink on paper on cardboard

Paul Klee, Bergdorf (herbstlich)/Mountain village, autumnal; 1934; oil colors on white grounded canvas on plywood

Paul Klee, Lagunenstadt/Town on a Lagoon; 1932; watercolor and ink on paper on cardboard

Paul Klee, Ruinen von Git/Ruins of Git; 1931; oil paint on cardboard nailed to stretcher

Mysterious Symbols; Paul Klee; Sammlung Rosengart


Paul Klee; zerstörtes Ägypten/Egypt destroyed; 1924; watercolor and ink on paper on carton

Paul Klee, Treppen und Tore/Stairs and gates; 1926; watercolor on gypsum ground on gypsum plate on slate with original frame

Paul Klee, Vollmondopfer/Sacrifice at full moon; 1933; oil and wax color on painting paper with canvas pressing on cardboard

Paul Klee, Urkunde/Certificate; 1933; watercolor on gypsum ground on gauze on plywood


Europe Taking the Cure

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner,

Thomas Mann

and the Myth of Davos


The Pull of Tinzenhorn

 Looking south from Davos, on clear days Tinzenhorn mountain is visible.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner's paintings show Tinzenhorn and its magical power, again and again.

Kirchner; Davos mit Kirche, Davos im Sommer; Davos with Church, Davos in Summer, 1925

Kirchner; Alpleben/Life in the Alps Triptych; 1917-1919

Kirchner; Stafelalp im Schnee/Stafelalp in Snow; 1917

Kirchner; Mondaufgang auf der Stafelalp/Moonrise on Stafelalp; 1917


Kirchner; Tinzenhorn-Zugenschlucht bei Monstern/Tinzenhorn-Mountain Gorge near Monstein; 

The Valley of the Landwasser

Davos Switzerland is in the valley of the Landwasser River. 

Even in the valley there are reminders of rocks under the surface, the mountains they form, and the power of the water that flows off.