Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 5: Courmayeur to Refugio Bonatti

Cyane on her birthday went to the botanical garden above Courmayeur. It is at elevation 2174m and has a wonderful view of Mt Blanc.
This view to the northeast up the Italian Val Ferret, shows where the Tour path goes.
On the way to the refugio, Cyane ran into a traffic jam on the path - see below.
Everyone was delighted with Refugio Bonatti and the wonderful food.
Stage 5 was entirely in Italy, with the hiking group splitting up.
Alan and friends went on the high route up through Col Sapin, while Cyane took the valley route.
ALAN: 19 km with 1600 m ascent and 1000 m descent
Maison Vielle di Giacomo/1956 to
Courmayeur/1226 to
Refugio Bertone/2000 to
Tete de la Tronche/2584 to
Col Sapin/2436 to
Tete entre Deux Saufs/2521 to
Refugio Bonatti/2022

CYANE: 19 km with 900 m ascent and 700 m descent
Maison Vielle di Giacomo/1956 m to
Courmayeur/1226 m to
Refugio Bonatti/2022 m

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