Sunday, August 10, 2008

Landscape and Garden Exhibition in Bingen

Cyane was looking forward to the town of Bingen - for lunch and to learn about Hildegard von Bingen. Amazingly, there was also a giant landscape and flower show happening there. The website is . (If you go to the site, it is possible to click on the little British flag in the upper left to get an English translation.) It was the best such show I have ever seen, with really good planning, execution, partnerships, support, etc. There was a little bit for everyone. The first picture is one of perhaps 50 community garden plots that seemed to have been constructed by individuals and groups. Note the two gardeners sited actually in the plot!

Much attention was given to activites for kids. Here is a miniature Rhein, complete with mills and waterfalls, castles, stones, and bridges.
A spectrum of annual flower gardens. Here seen are the blue garden in foreground and red garden in back, followed by yellow, orange, and white.
There were about ten demonstration small yard installations, conceived and constructed by landscape firms.
Even a section with thoughtful, inspiring, and beautiful ideas for graves and grave plantings.

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