Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Lombards in Maps

 The Lombards (also knows as Longobards) invaded Italy in 568 AD and quickly conquered much of the peninsula, reigning until defeated by Charlemagne in 774.  

  Migrations of the Lombards

The Lombards came originally from Scandinavia and had a migration history of over 5 centuries:  the Baltic coast, the Elbe River, Bohemia, Austria, and the Danube basin.  They established one of the most important kingdoms in Europe by the sixth century, but when the Avars pushed west from the steppes, the Lombard king Alboin turned south to Italy in the mid 500's/sixth century.

  The Lombards in Bohemia and Austria; Italy at that time was ruled by the Ostrogoths and Byzantines.


In 568 AD the Lombards led by King Alboin, moved south to Italy, accompanied by other Germanic tribes.  They chose first the fortified town of Forum Iulii (later contracted to Friuli, the name for the whole region of Italy).  There was little opposition from the Byzantines.  A temple and many grave sites were established in the hills around the town.

Map below showing Lombard regnum Italian under King Rothari 636-652 AD.  The tan bits were still under Byzantine control, the rest of Italy was dominated by the Lombards: purple, green, and brown.

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