Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Paul Klee: Ending

From 1935 on, Paul Klee suffered from a degenerative disease, which caused him to lose mobility, suffer great pain and ultimately succumb in 1940.  Awareness of mortality, with the atmosphere of war is reflected in his art.  There is less color, colors are darker with blue and black coming to the fore.  Klee's manual dexterity diminished and sometimes he used his fingers instead of brushes.  There is an experimentation with media and its temporariness, as when he used liquid to cause thin paper to wrinkle  and curl.  Klee's art becomes more material and direct.  And somber.

Paul Klee and his Illness:

Germination, 1937.  

In the Evening by the Sea, 1940.

Winter is Coming, 1939.

This Star Teaches Bending, 1940.

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