Friday, July 31, 2020

Post Monument, What?

Below are four images from Monument Avenue in Richmond after the confederate statues were removed.  There is a lot of graffiti and empty pedestals.
Washington Post article:  here

One antidote is the statue by Kehinde Wiley of  a young Black man on heroic horseback, in front of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

Black Lives Matter and Coronavirus are urgent challenges in spring and summer of 2020, along with the economic effects of both.
John Lewis was a politician of virtue and conscience.  His last writing is inspirational:
"Together, You can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation."

The following posts here reflect a search for beauty, meaning and transcendence in the midst of fear and doubt.  The places for searching are, roughly, gardens, parks, home garden projects and plants, and places of worship (quaker, episcopal, and ancient Egypt).
As you go down this page, click on 'Older Posts' at the bottom on the right to see more.

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