
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Rietveld Schroeder House, Part Two

These photos show the careful attention to internal design and furnishing.  It is difficult to imagine how revolutionary this was in 1924, and it still feels modern today.

To left, note steel beam offset from the corner window.  This is the family dining room.

Below, you can see the tracks of sliding partitions, which have been pulled back to create one unified space from three different rooms.  This is not a big house and every part of it has been carefully planned for maximum efficiency.

This house is called the Rietveld Schroeder House for a reason.
Gerrit Rietveld co-designed it with Truus Schroeder, who was a major influence.
Truus lived there until she died in 1985.
Gerrit had his office in the house and lived there after the death of his wife until his own death.

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