Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 9: Our Highest Pass, Bad Weather, ending at Sanctuary St. Anna

Rifugio Malinvern at 1839 m to Santa Anna di Vinadio at 2010 m.
16 km, 1000 m up and 700 m down.
Pass at 2600 m.

 This day included a climb up to the pass which was about 2,600 meters.
The weather forecast was not great and in fact, along the way we encountered heavy rain, very strong winds, thunder, and hail.  I did not take a lot of pictures of this high area, on the border between France and Italy.
 Looking back toward the pass, above, Alan is able to take a quick break for crackers.  We did not dare stop to eat lunch that day.
 Santuario St Anna below is the highest pilgrimage destination in Europe, at 2,300 meters.
We were very glad to arrive.

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