Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 5 of GTA Hike, Afternoon: San Giaccomo to Rifugio Soria-Elena

Trinita at 1091 m to Rifugio Soria-Elena at 1840 m.
16 km, 1500 m up, and 800 m down.
Colle Vaileto at 1515 m and pass into Valle Gesso.  Low point was at a river at 180 m.

 The Italian woman above wanted to sell me (a hiker carrying everything in a backpack) 10 kilos of plums!
She succeeded in selling me one kilo of plums, which I tried to give to other hikers.
The group below takes a lunch break in San Giacomo.

 The refuge can be seen in the mid left of the photo above, perched above the switchbacks in the notch.
 Hut wardens Mary and Lori below take care of everything at Rifugio Soria-Elena, including occasional mountain rescues.

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