Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 11: Sambuco up to the Valley of Gardetta

Sambuco at 1200 m to Rifugio Gardetta at 2335 m.
18 km, 1500 m up and 400 m down.
Pass at 2533 m.  High road at 2400 m.
Descend to 2000 m before going back up to 2335.

 This was a long day with a long climb.  We started early.

Leaving Sambuco, we passed a memorial stone which reads, more or less:
'The Community of Sambuco wishes
to never forget the tragedy of the war.
Pietrino 'Ros' Tropini
assasinated by the German military in the flower of his years.
The 21 August, 1944.'

 Looking back down the valley we had climbed from Sambuco.
On the top, there exists a road at about 2,400 meters - see below.
It is popular with the mountain bikers, motorcyclists, and drivers.
 After leaving the high road, Alan heads toward the Valley of Gardetta.
Rifugio Gardetta is near the top of the valley in the distance.

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