Chatham Cottage, Montego Bay, Jamaica





Jamaica Beach, Montego Bay

 Outside of 'all inclusive resorts,' there are not a lot of beaches in northwest Jamaica.

There are a few:

Tranquillity Garden

 Tranquillity Garden at Dunns River Falls.

Buttress roots above.  One of the numerous streams that flow into Dunns River Falls.

Many plants in Jamaica are recognizable as houseplants in temperate climates.

Philodendron monstera, top.  Sansevieria or Snake Plant, with Mel and Mi.

Food Plants in Jamaica Hills

 'No one should go hungry in Jamaica.'

Banana plant with banana flower and fruit.

Above: taro in background, edible cactus, okra stalk.

To the right:  sugar cane with plantain in background

Below:  Breadfruit tree on high, plantain underneath