Friday, December 27, 2024

Our Card for 2024


'Schlaf/Sleep' :  a pen and ink drawing by Paul Klee from 1914.
He was 35 and struggling as an artist.
World War I had started, killing two dear friends in the trenches.
He was not yet called up into the German army.
A dark time.
The outline here is a musical bird, tweeting the name 'Klee.'
It contains a visual pun: 
finely hatched lines in the center of the bird meld into the head of a sleeping person.
Alan loved sleep and I carry on his spirit.

Christmas Trees and Parties


Above:  Craig's silver and white tree.

Right: Christmas Tree ornamented with dried fruits and pods, in the outdoor First Ladies Garden at the National Arboretum in Washington.  How many of the former first ladies can you identify from the poster below?

Photo must have been taken  between 2001 and 2009.  Ladybird was still alive and Michelle Obama was not yet first lady:
Nancy Reagan
Ladybird Johnson
Hilary Clinton
Rosalyn Carter
Laura Bush
Barbara Bush

A couple of scenes from rounds of holiday parties.
Talking, drinks, food, and shoes!

Autumn Progression


October into December.  Clear skies and little precipitation.  Finally, snow.

Capitol Trees

 Trees around the Capitol, like our government, are stressed and struggling.  If we can care for them, maybe we can care for ourselves.

American Elms, above and White Oak, below, near the Capitol in Washington DC.

Political Break

 There was initially hope and optimism.  

We worked hard.

Roof Replacement: Removal

 First step in replacing the roof was removing what was on before.  In order, from the bottom roof boards up:  tar paper, tar and slag roof, two layers of asphalt rolls, one acrylic film, and one epoxy film.  Various patches.  It all came off!   Dirty, dusty, yucky and heavy.

After removal of all the junk, places of leaking and rot were exposed in the roof boards.

Roof Replacement: Repair

With six roof layers removed, there was evidence of past patches, leakage and rot.  

Requiring repair of rafters, sistered boards over the eaves and rebuilding of the whole area. 

Roof Replacement: Layers

 Sequence of photos showing delivery, two layers of polyiso board above a thermal foil base.  Oh, and the top layer of white EPDM rubber, shown in the last photo.

Monday, September 30, 2024

September 2024 Memorials

 Grove of birch trees behind the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern Switzerland.

The Paul Klee museum is there; the family gravesite is in the cemetery nearby.

Hornbeam trees along the Wolfbach, Doldertal, Zurich Switzerland.

An oak tree near the grave of Paul and Lily Klee in the Schlosshaldenfriedhof.
Their grave marker has a quote from Paul Klee:
"I cannot be grasped in the here and now, for my dwelling place is as much with the dead as the yet unborn.  Slightly closer to the heart of creation than usual, but still not close enough."