Friday, December 27, 2024
Our Card for 2024
Christmas Trees and Parties
Capitol Trees
Trees around the Capitol, like our government, are stressed and struggling. If we can care for them, maybe we can care for ourselves.
Roof Replacement: Removal
First step in replacing the roof was removing what was on before. In order, from the bottom roof boards up: tar paper, tar and slag roof, two layers of asphalt rolls, one acrylic film, and one epoxy film. Various patches. It all came off! Dirty, dusty, yucky and heavy.
Roof Replacement: Repair
With six roof layers removed, there was evidence of past patches, leakage and rot.
Requiring repair of rafters, sistered boards over the eaves and rebuilding of the whole area.
Roof Replacement: Layers
Sequence of photos showing delivery, two layers of polyiso board above a thermal foil base. Oh, and the top layer of white EPDM rubber, shown in the last photo.
Monday, September 30, 2024
September 2024 Memorials
Grove of birch trees behind the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern Switzerland.
The Paul Klee museum is there; the family gravesite is in the cemetery nearby.