
Monday, November 30, 2020

Robert E Lee Monument is Still There, November 2020

 As of November 2020, the Robert E Lee statue on Monument Avenue in Richmond is still up.

The base has been covered with graffiti, there is a continuous presence of BLM and it has become a gathering place for the curious and the  committed.

Its fate is uncertain.


Anonymous said...

History is history. People can hate and disagree, but it is so WRONG to destroy history. It doesn’t matter what side your belief lies with. It happened. It’s history and it should not be erased. I personally feel it is wrong to destroy things put in place by our fore fathers. You don’t have to like it, but it is wrong to destroy it. Thus the reason it was constructed. Destroying monuments does NOT take away the event that happened and the reason it was constructed. You can’t take away the past. You don’t have to agree with it, but it’s there to serve the purpose it was intended to make.

Anonymous said...

Wrongful destruction of history