Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Back to Philadelphia

A very startling hickory hornworm caterpillar found in our apartment complex lawn.

A classic old field, below, on the southern margin of the Wissahickon branch of Fairmount Park.

 The youngest new American that we know; baby Diya, born to Nepali refugee friends from Bhutan who have recently arrived in Philadelphia.

A Visit to Downtown Philadelphia

 A Louise Nevelson sculpture and fountain above on Constitution Mall.

Native grass plantings in front of the Benjamin Franklin bridge to Camden, New Jersey.

 Urban renovation has not yet happened to buildings above.

Urban renovation has happened to the Market Mall below; still feels empty.

Reading Market, below, rarely feels empty.

Alan Hikes in the Pyrenees

 Hiking up to La Breche de Roland, the border between Spain and France.
This is near Monte Perdido National Park in the Spanish Pyrenees.

 Alan is blessed to have friends Lee and Kirsten who planned a six day hiking trip from Spain across the Pyrenees into France (south of Lourdes) and then back into Spain.