Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some Yards on the West Side of Richmond

Marina peeks in at a beautiful old oak tree, above.
Below, Marsden and Marina dine al fresco.

Landscaped yard with a carefully constructed ruin (old house chimney) and fountain.

Richmond landscaping: proportion, balance, and Crepe Myrtles.


Marsden walks her dog, above, and below sits in her dining room.

Living room, below, also is filled with art.

Early February Jaunts

Philadelphia's 30th St Union Station (above) is one of the great 1930's train stations in the country.
It is designed like a temple, note soaring columns, with magnificent lights, windows, and ceiling.

Below, Willard poses with his chariot in Allentown.

French conversation with wine, bien sur!

Cheryl, the hostess and French devotee.